Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Poker Tournament

Well tonight was our online tournament and boy did i get spanked. Now not as bad as ellie. She came in 190th place out of 198. But I was done a bit after that. I ended up in 106th place. Got spanked on a few hands and after that i was pretty much dead. Oh well it was fun though. We'll definitely look at setting up another one. Well I'll keep you guys posted on upcoming events.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

New Blog

Hey everyone,

Well after getting some greef from people I finally decided to create my own personal blog. Don't know how much i'll be able to keep it updated but I will do my best to do so. There are a few events coming up this week that I will definitely blog on. This is my last week with my current company and will be starting at another company next monday which i'm looking forward to. It should be a bit of a challenge but one I think will be very fun and exciting. Well take care everyone and i'll see ya laters.
