Friday, March 31, 2006

ByteTalk Show 20 Released

In this show Oscar and Ray are joined by Cherry to discuss iPod Update, PSP Movies, Free Xbox Live, Elder Scrolls Review and Denisse discusses what not to do on a first date in our Life Bytes segment.

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Well Friday is finally here. We finished up ByteTalk last night and released so that was cool to do. Geek Dating 101 is still in the works for show #10. Looks like the cables I need won't be here for a few days. I hope things go smoother for the actual vidCast production. Well another full weekend of Baseball games is up so that's always a good time. Very cheap entertainment going to the little league fields and watching my lil bro and the rest of the kid clan play their games. Well everybody have a great weekend and have a few beers for me.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Happy Hump Day!!!

Well it's wednesday and the week is blowing by pretty fast. Work has been crazy but very excited about this weekend. We have the Final Four coming up and the start of the baseball season. Good times... Well we are recording ByteTalk sometime tonight and are determining when the VidCast for Geekdating will record. As it stands we are hoping for this weekend but am waiting for a few cables to arrive that I need to record. Keep your fingers crossed...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

ByteTalk Show 18 Released

In show 18 Oscar and Ray discuss school suspending 20 students for myspace group, Ultra Mobile PC, PS3 News, iBook Rumors and review of iPod Transmitter in our Tech Bytes Segment.


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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

World Baseball Classic

Well it's a great time....the WBC is in full swing and I love seeing these games. It's an awesome tourney. I think the U.S. team is in trouble with their inconsistent pitching but maybe they can pull it out and advance to the final round. Not sure if you folks saw but SDSU is also in the NCAA tourney. This is awesome....I'm so glad Steve Fisher came to SDSU and turned this program around. Hopefully this will be the year we actually get our first WIN in the NCAA. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, March 06, 2006

New Shows

Well show 8 was finally completed for Geek Dating 1o1. We did get to test some new equipment so that was good. We still need to run a few more tests with video and decide on the format of the vidCasts. That show may be a bit different then our audio shows. ByteTalk is recording later this week. The feedback was good on our last show...even with denisse's bare balls

Thursday, March 02, 2006

New Month

Well it's the start of March and we have a lot of things planned. We finally got Show #17 of ByteTalk last night and released it. We are going to record show #8 for the Geek Dating show this friday night at 10pm PST. Should be a fun show with Denisse, Brenda, Eddie, & Luis joining me. I'm looking to test the video portion and editing but don't feel we'll do a video release until show 9 or 10. Well i'll keep you posted on that.