Thursday, April 13, 2006

ByteTalk Show 21 Released

In this show Oscar and Ray discuss Apple news, Netflix lawsuit, PS2 Discount, ABC Shows, and EA's Black Review.

BoboHost $3.95 Hosting

PS2 Cut

Apple Boot Camp

Lost Online

Sega News

Direct Download

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Tons of Work

Well it's been another busy week. I truly need a vacation. Need to head up to Seattle soon to visit some friends. Anyways, show 21 will be recording and am hoping to release late Wednesday night. Geek Dating is still up in the air. We'll see what we can do. Lots of baseball stuff this past weekend. Little League is in full swing. Luckily we get a weekend off for easter. Well check out the sites for the latest updates.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Friday Is Here!!!

Well we had another busy week. Ray went on vacation so I decided not to do a show for bytetalk. I actually debated doing a show solo but that would have been weird. Next week though we'll have a new ByteTalk show and Geek Dating 101. Should be a good week. This weekend should be good with the padres in town. Lets see how they do against the Rockies. I'm also looking at getting Andrea on the show sometime soon.