Monday, February 27, 2006

What A Weekend

Well it's Monday and the start of a new week. Last week I was completely swamped and wasn't able to release any new shows for either podcast. This week we should be able to get both shows out. ByeTalk wednesday morning and Geek Dating 101 on Friday morning. This past weekend though was a great time. Hung out with Tony (Disgruntled IT Guy) and the Big Dog on Saturday night. Things got a little hairy but its' always good times with those guys. I am planning another meet up with both crews of ByteTalk and Geek Dating. I'm thinking that it will be at The Local in the gaslamp. Not sure on the date since everybody is so freakin busy....well hope you all have a great MONDAY.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hectic Week Ahead

Well after having a nice holiday weekend it's back to the trenches. This week the plan is to record ByteTalk and release by wednesday night. We may take a week off from Geek Dating 101 to get ready for our next group show where we'll be taking calls in. Need to buy a few cables and run a few tests before we announce the time and date of our first call in show. I'm also working on setting up a few interviews for bytetalk. We'll see how that goes. Anyways I'll keep you guys posted. Might need a few beers before the week is out. Now there is also a big fight this weekend between Vargas and Mosley. Should be a nice showdown. We'll see if anyone I know is hosting or else I might have to fork over the big bucks to get it.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Wiped Out

Well it's Thursday and I'm so ready for the weekend. Working at this new job has been pretty tough. It's been very hectic but I would say yesterday and so far today have been a lot more calm and I have a handle on things now. We recorded both ByteTalk and Geek Dating 101 last night. We finished kinda late so I rushed them out and didn't realize I had dead air at the end of geek dating 101. 10 minutes of dead air....uggg...I would fix it but any change on the file and iTunes picks up as a new show and double lists it so i'll just leave it as is since the show was done by that time. Well I'm still waiting for the video camera to be released. It was suppose to be out on the 1st but now the date is 2/16 but I wouldn't be surprised if it gets delayed again. We'll see how that goes. Well that's all I got for now.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Busy Week

Well it has been a crazy week of work and tech. We did two shows this week and have a lot of content already for the next two shows. We decided on some format changes for ByteTalk so that's something i'm pretty excited about. I really think it will give the show much better flow. I also have a few equipment pieces coming in that will improve our audio. I'm really debating getting a Mac Mini for the Video aspect. Not sure what to do. I really want an xbox 360 also lol. Well we'll see.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Well yesterday was my final day at EP. A few of my friends and I went out after work for some drinks and had a good time. I might have had one to Well I'll post some pics on flickr when I get a chance. Ryan is having his final day in san diego party tonight so I'll have to rest up and head back out. We are looking at adding a few segments to our shows so I'll post that info on each shows site. I'm also working on getting a few interviews for the bytetalk. I'll keep you posted.