Thursday, February 16, 2006

Wiped Out

Well it's Thursday and I'm so ready for the weekend. Working at this new job has been pretty tough. It's been very hectic but I would say yesterday and so far today have been a lot more calm and I have a handle on things now. We recorded both ByteTalk and Geek Dating 101 last night. We finished kinda late so I rushed them out and didn't realize I had dead air at the end of geek dating 101. 10 minutes of dead air....uggg...I would fix it but any change on the file and iTunes picks up as a new show and double lists it so i'll just leave it as is since the show was done by that time. Well I'm still waiting for the video camera to be released. It was suppose to be out on the 1st but now the date is 2/16 but I wouldn't be surprised if it gets delayed again. We'll see how that goes. Well that's all I got for now.


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